Innovation for lawyers

Matt Homann has a great idea:

I’ve been talking to some really smart people lately, and have been running an idea past them that I’ve blogged about before — a conference on innovation for lawyers. The goal would be to provide attendees with both the ideas and the tools to incorporate innovation into their practices, and to give them specific things to implement when they get back to the office.

Now for the agenda:

In the morning, I want several interesting people (preferably non-lawyers) to talk about innovation in their fields.  I’d like to see authors, marketing gurus, creativity consultants, entrepreneurs, and even CEO’s of small companies tell the audience about the newest and coolest ways they are changing how they do business. In the afternoon, we’d brainstorm about specific ways the “big picture” ideas could translate to the attendees’ individual practices.

If this seems really cool to you, let me know if you’d like to attend. Also, if there is anything you’d like to see, drop me a line as well. Time and place are Chicago the Sunday after Techshow (April 3, 2005). If the interest is there, I’ll follow up with more information. [the [non]billable hour]

I think this is a great idea; unfortunately I’ll be on a family vacation that day and won’t be able to attend. But I encourage anyone who is interested to contact Matt directly; it sounds like a terrific idea that the ABA would be wise to fold into TechShow.

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