• Law, Technology and What Really Matters

    Another good post from Ernie the Attorney about technology’s potential impact on the practice of law. And it forces one to ask a fundamental question: when does Ernie find time to bill time?

  • Just checked in for my

    Just checked in for my trip to London. Interesting notes: even though the Feds have taken control of security, the separate check-in for first class/frequent fliers was still open at O’Hare. They’d said it would be closed a month or two ago – but hey, I’m not complaining. And what happened to the National Guard…

  • All the News that’s fit to Blog

    Great article about the growing importance of blogs in April’s Fast Company. One thing that bothers me, though: why mention only blogger.com? I guess the article was just about web publishing, but Radio does it better than blogger. And Radio is a powerful KM tool to boot…Anyway, couple key quotes from the article:The market for analysis,…

  • London Forecast: RAIN

    Don’t even know why I bothered to check the weather (I’ll be there all week starting tomorrow):

  • Oops, I paused it again…

    Another demonstration that TiVo’s business model has legs. Back in December, John Robb wrote that TiVo’s year-end sales spelled the death of free TV. But I’m not so sure. As I said in response to John’s original post, TiVo is providing alternative methods for advertisers and others to derive value from the TV audience. Then,…

  • NY Times: Renew Your Passport

    Saw this in today’s New York Times. The only reason I’m mentioning it is that I just went through this process last week – I leave for London on Tuesday and discovered that my passport had expired in January. (OK – I’ll fess up: I knew it had expired in January, and had just procrastinated…

  • KM for law firms

    Ernie the Attorney’s at it again. This is a terrific essay on what KM should be, and starts to identify why lawyers haven’t quite made it yet. I’ll be picking up a few threads in Ernie’s post later this weekend.

  • Avoid the Four Perils of CRM

    This links to the abstract of February’s Harvard Business Review article titled “Avoid the Four Perils of CRM”. The article is a good read, authored by three senior Bain consultants. There is also an “ enhanced edition” of the article here, that “draws out the main points and an annotated bibliography that points you to…

  • Elected officials need tech experience?

    Brief story about NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s recent address to the New York Software Industry Association. The most interesting notion is that elected officials will need business and technology experience to be truly effective. While I’d like it to be true, I wonder: do our leaders need a technical foundation to be competent in their jobs?…

  • The big sites get bigger…

    Business Week Online claims that the big .com sites are getting bigger, claiming more eyeballs, and more of your online time. “The online winners today are the winners, period.” Well, fine. For a few years. But there was a time that K-Mart was the king, and Wal-mart was an upstart. And who would’ve guessed Subway…