Becoming a better photographer
In keeping with my 2012 information diet, I’ve resolved to both blog more and take more photographs. Late last year I upgraded my camera – from a Nikon D80 to a Nikon D7000. Thought I’d document a bit about the gear I’m using and how I’m committing more to my photography hobby. My primary lens…
My Information Diet
This past summer I had lunch with Clay Johnson, and he told me he was hard at work on a book called The Information Diet. I read an early manuscript copy, and am excited to see that the Kindle version of Clay’s book is out as of yesterday. I’m over-simplifying, but his general premise is…
There’s a pretty bad bill going through DC right now. Quoting at length from Matt Cutts’ blog post I Need Your Help from earlier this week: Here’s what I need:1. Take a few minutes to learn about the SOPA/E-PARASITE/PROTECT IP bills. They’re really bad bills.2. Take five minutes to call your Congressperson on the phone. If you live in Texas,…
Against my better judgment, I am participating in Movember this month. If you don’t know about Movember, this Chrome ad does a pretty good job summing it up: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjRhqx2EaQs&fs=1&source=uds&w=320&h=266] If you would like to support me in this quest to make me look ridiculous, I would very much appreciate you making a donation of…
Uncharted 3: Arriving tomorrow
I’m more than a little excited about this: Uncharted 3 comes out tomorrow, and I just got e-mail confirmation from Amazon that my pre-order copy shipped earlier today. If you haven’t played a game in the Uncharted franchise before, you’re missing out. I’m not a hard-core gamer (I hadn’t owned a console for almost 20…
A phenomenal birthday present
I turned 40 yesterday. It’s been a great week – we celebrated at the house with friends Saturday night, then my parents arrived for the actual day and we had a terrific meal at home followed by gifts and cake. Though I’ve been fortunate to have received some wonderful birthday gifts over the years, nothing…
About me
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a partner at Google Ventures, where I run Startup University. Unless otherwise noted in a post, the opinions here are my own, and not those of Google Ventures, Google, or anyone else whose name has appeared on my paychecks. I’m also a political junkie (worked on the Dean…
Joining Google Ventures
I’m very excited to share the news that I recently joined Google Ventures as a partner, where I’m going to be running Startup University. Startup U is our dedicated effort at helping entrepreneurs at our growing portfolio companies benefit from our experience and that of our colleagues at Google. For those who know me, you know…
New dynamic view from Blogger
I’m really excited by today’s announcement from the Blogger team – as of a few minutes ago, they launched “dynamic views” for all blogs hosted by Blogger. From their announcement: Built with the latest in web technology (AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3), Dynamic Views is a unique browsing experience that will inspire your readers to explore…
Falling off the cluetrain
(I posted this to Google+ earlier today. I’m loving the engagement over there, so feel free to comment on the post over there. Don’t have a Google+ account yet? Click here to sign up!) How times have changed. Just had a miserable post-sales experience with Lenovo. Ugh. From my overwhelmingly positive experience 5 years ago…