• Cancer and DNA (requires Real

    Cancer and DNA (requires Real Audio player) ::: Driving home last night, I caught this report on NPR about a couple of researchers who are trying to identify genetic causes for various forms cancer and other diseases. According to Michael Myerson, the researcher interviewed for the story, “the human gene sequence database contained a lot…

  • No More Popup Ads :::

    No More Popup Ads ::: This is heaven… a clearing house for opting out of those damned pop-up ads showing up on your desktop. Buh-bye, X-10!

  • Lindows.com – you can trust

    Lindows.com – you can trust Microsoft… really! ::: Here’s a snippet of a letter from Lindows.com CEO to Lindows.com “friends”: [W]e feel obligated to disclose to you that we were compelled to disclose your email address to Microsoft during the discovery process as well as the content of many of your messages sent to us.…

  • ‘Google effect’ reduces need for

    ‘Google effect’ reduces need for many domains ::: What’s in a name? Thanks to Google, less than it used to be. By improving the search technology and relying on links to the site to determine relevance and popularity, Google has made it far more likely that you’ll find what you’re looking for. [From the SJ…

  • Signs of a Rebound Appear

    Signs of a Rebound Appear in the High-Tech Heartland ::: According to The New York Times, the signs in the Valley aren’t all that disappointing. Lots of anecdotes, and even a few statistics, that signal that more people are jumping on the bandwagon: the recession may be over.

  • Business 2.0 – Magazine Article

    Business 2.0 – Magazine Article – The Case Against Knowledge Management ::: I haven’t fully digested this article, but it presents a good case against “standard” KM solutions while outlining a possible framework for firms to realize value out of their collective knowledge. One place where the author is misguided: the focus on Moore’s Law,…

  • Handspring Treo out next week

    Handspring Treo out next week ::: Last summer, Handspring announced the Treo, a communicator that would combine a Palm Pilot, a GSM cell phone, and a wireless Internet device for e-mail and web browsing. I wasn’t really overwhelmed by the idea – I’d seen the Kyocera Smart Phone and found it bulky, had friends who…

  • Premium services coming for Blogger.com

    Premium services coming for Blogger.com ::: This isn’t necessarily big news for most readers, but as a recent convert to the world of “blogger”, I’m at least happy about this. Some background: What you’re reading is a self-published “weblog”. There’s no real magic behind the scenes, though anyone who has tried to maintain a web…

  • Gates at CES ::: In

    Gates at CES ::: In contrast to Steve Jobs’ announcement at MacWorld, Bill Gates actually announced something innovative. You’ll get no argument from me that Jobs’ marketing acumen was in full force this week ( getting Time to guarantee a cover story about a new monitor), but what Microsoft talked about at the International Consumer…

  • Morrie Shechtman on leadership :::

    Morrie Shechtman on leadership ::: I’m down in Florida at the Winning Is Everything conference (two days, accountants only. You know you’re jealous!), and the afternoon’s keynote presenter was Morrie Shechtman, author of Working Without a Net. Put simply, if you ever get a chance to sit in a room where he’s presenting, don’t miss…