Bloomberg.com : Technology News reports
Bloomberg.com : Technology News reports that the trust-busting folks in the European Union want to now limit the protection afforded software companies through the granting of patents. This is the same commission that prevented G.E. from merging with Honeywell last July. The commission seeks to disallow business method patents (like Amazon.com’s 1-Click patent). (Side note:…
Here’s one founder’s take on
Here’s one founder’s take on why her start-up failed. Talk about bitter! Now, there’s almost certainly another side to this story (like the VCs who would probably say that the founders didn’t know how to run a business, couldn’t shift the business model fast enough to respond to market conditions, and couldn’t expand their customer…
MIT Comparative Media Studies Director
MIT Comparative Media Studies Director looks at blogs as the “digital renaissance”. I just came from a dinner in L.A. with a friend who spends a lot of his time thinking about knowledge management, and got to explain the concept of blogs to him. This article does a good job of explaining the concept to…
Last Saturday, I wrote about
Last Saturday, I wrote about (and linked to) a Slate article about the Dvorak keyboard and its apparent superiority to the standard “QWERTY” keyboard. Many thanks to tins reader T.A. for a pointer to this Reason magazine article from June of 1996 debunking the Dvorak myth. The article is a lengthy and entirely worthwhile read…
The future of money? Who
The future of money? Who knew I was this interested in payment technology? I’ll stop obsessing about PayPal, but this week’s article in The Economist certainly makes PayPal look outdated. It describes currency that is wired, can be programmed, supports authentication and unique identification, and is purportedly counterfeit-proof. The technology discussed in the article is…
Note: See the update posted
Note: See the update posted on February 12 that addresses the Dvorak keyboard “hoax”. Make Mine Dvorak – One writer’s love affair with the other keyboard layout. Twenty years ago my parents bought an Apple ][+ (in an odd way, typing those matched brackets still looks cool to me), and my infatuation with computers began.…
Just upgraded to Blogger Pro.
Just upgraded to Blogger Pro. (Side note: paid my $35 via PayPal!) So far, so good…
More on the PayPal IPO
More on the PayPal IPO delay ::: From yesterday’s TheStreet.com, an article about PayPal’s delayed IPO. Here’s a priceless quote from the CEO of IPO.com, who probably figured that a little bit of ice would most likely not harm the Titanic: “The timing of the suit seems kind of interesting,” says [IPO.com CEO Mark] Baum.…
Mercury News | 02/07/2002 |
Mercury News | 02/07/2002 | Lawsuit delays eagerly awaited PayPal IPO ::: Recall my observations about micrpayments and PayPal in late December and early January? One of my comments then: “Here’s hoping PayPal’s IPO is strong. They represent the best opportunity we’ll have in 2002 to see a solid, viable infrastructure play for enabling micropayments…
Radio silence. ::: A 2+
Radio silence. ::: A 2+ week trip follwed up by a bout with the flu. Should be back to normal in the next couple days…