“Traditional sidewalk values”. Priceless.
Still struggling to understand the whole protest-after-you-lose-the-vote thing, but I guess those are details.
“Traditional sidewalk values”. Priceless.
Still struggling to understand the whole protest-after-you-lose-the-vote thing, but I guess those are details.
4 responses to “Princeton Protests Proposition 8”
I think that protest-after-you-lose thing is traditional in other countries. It's called a riot.
I know right! Legally boycotting and protesting, after a majority group effectively stripped constitutional rights from a minority group. What a nutty world we live in. I know that African Americans, the general public, or anyone in a mixed marriage wouldn't be protesting, if California had balloted to repeal the Supreme Court decision in Loving v. Virginia, the case which overturned the laws against interracial marriage still in effect as late as 1967 in 16 states. Marrying across races is a choice. No one is forcing a African, Asian, or Latino, to marry a white person.Just crazy! The people and states have spoken, Constitution and fundamental equality of rights be damned “get over it.” I mean geez.
@Sean – seems my sarcasm wasn't evident, so let me clarify: I voted no, urged others to do so, had a 'no on 8' sign in my yard, and pestered my neighbors to understand what the proposition was all about.What I intended to convey in my quick comment was that this activity would have been far more useful to the cause had it shown up *before* the vote, instead of after. I'm quite encouraged to see so many people genuinely outraged at Prop 8's passing… just wish we'd seen more of it before November 4th.Perhaps, as Andrew Sullivan has pointed out on several occasions, this loss was necessary to enlarge the coalition and build a strong foundation to ensure these rights are never again stripped from our gay brothers and sisters. I'd like to hope so.
Forgive me Rick, if my vitriol was misdirected. I just see way too many ignorant “get over it” replies pasted across the internet from those that helped to pass the unconstitutional, and religion/government boundary crossing measure, thinking that they had passed an initiative forcing dog owners to pick up their dogs poop, or requesting people not park in handicapped parking.While I'd like to think that no one encourages or tolerates violence or illegal activities, protesting and boycotting is more American than apple pie—which is Dutch. While we can't go back and change the past, I'll do what pathetic little things are left to me now, to protest an enormous injustice, happily in it's final throes. I know that years in the future those yes voters who were conflicted, will look back in shame at having helped to pass such a flat out evil and discriminatory measure, no matter how “good intentioned” they were, but right now I feel like being angry. Your future shame is not enough when people were sold for slavery, forbidden from marrying outside their race, your neighbors were sent to internment camps or gas chambers, while you stood by, invaded foreign countries for oil, influence or scapegoating, burned witches and “faggots” to cleanse the town….and it isn't enough for me now.And quite honestly while I know I am living in complete lala land, I don't feel it was the responsibility of the LGBT to protest or campaign anything before the ballot, on something so black and white. It was the responsibility of voters not to be bigoted, and make an informed decision in the ballot box, to shoot down injustice and discrimination when they saw it, and the responsibility of the Yes side not be be flat out dishonest in their campaigning. While people might think it too little too late, Now that an constitutional breach has occurred, is exactly the right time to protest and boycott.I honestly believe that the US Supreme court will overturn the proposition which should never have made it to the ballot within this presidential term, so maybe this was the wake up call that the LGBT community and all those who support equal rights across humanity, needed.