A Nikon D50 was waiting under the tree for me this Christmas, and I’m in love. We’ve been a little stir-crazy the last few days (thanks to pneumonia, asthma attacks and various other kid-related nuttiness), so we bundled everyone in the car and headed north to the Chicago Botanic Garden. If you’re in the Chicago area, it is absolutely spectacular. Here is the set of pictures I took today (note that if you’re not a friend/family at Flickr, you won’t see the pictures of the kids). My favorites are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. I’ve got a learning curve to get a full appreciation for what the camera can do, but for someone who’s been away from SLRs for the past 10 years, it’s soooooo fun to be back. Not bad for my first day back… and I can’t wait to get more excuses to tote this beast around. It’s fun.
While on the subject, I’d love to hear any pointers any of you have on getting up to speed with a digital SLR.
3 responses to “Loving my new camera”
I've had a Canon Digital Rebel for about a year, and I love it.My only advice is to shoot as much as possible, even if it's just around the house.And take it with you, even if it's just to work – you never know what you'll see in the great light of early morning or just before sunset.And travel – we took 1000 shots in two days in Yellowstone last summer, and only liked about 100 or so. But I really, really like them.
And I'd be remiss if I didn't say – great shots at the Botanic Garden. Keep shooting.
Here are my two bits. Check out Thomas Hawk's photography for inspiration. He's got some really amazing shots and he's a heck of a nice guy, willing to answer questions. Join the good Flickr photography groups, compare your shots with the best ones, and learn. It's amazing how much you can improve by trying to emulate the better shots. Look at composition, angle, check out the photo's details (f-stop, shutter speed, etc.). For some more inspiration, check out my Faves on Zooomr. Hope this helps!