2 Shot at Quarles & Brady?

Our office is across the street from 500 W. Madison, which houses, among other tenants, Quarles & Brady. The Tribune is reporting on the shooting (the building is also the Metra station); according to the DHL delivery guy who was just in our office delivering a package, he was on the 36th floor (Q&B is on the 37th) when the shots rang out. From what he gathered, two were shot, and one person is being held hostage, though it’s not at all clear what, precisely, is going on right now.

What we do know: the Metra station and the rest of the building are being evacuated. Traffic is snarled.

Update: Tribune is now reporting four shot, one critical, though still no confirmation that the shooting was at Quarles & Brady. I’m basing that conclusion on input from the DHL guy who was in our office and said he was one floor down from their office, so it’s entirely possible that his info is incorrect.

Walking from our office to Union Station (where my train leaves from) was interesting; we gave Ogilve a wide berth, but you could still see thousands of people on the street, apparently waiting for clearance to get back into the Metra station.

Later Update: May not be Q&B after all, Chicagoist reports it may be a different law firm, Wood Phillips. One dead, 4 injured.

Even later: Tribune confirming the shooting was on the 38th floor, not the 37th. Looks like there are several law firms who share offices there, will find out more later.

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