Verizon Broadband Wireless card

Filling out an expense report the other day, I was shocked to see how much money I’m spending each month on Internet access: airports routinely get you for $5-10 per day, T-Mobile can add another $20-30/month for periodic access at Starbucks in between meetings while on the road, and hotels are generally $15 or more per night. Add it all up, and I’m costing the company well over $100/month in Internet access.

Wifi is great, but that’s sure a lot of money. As a result, I stopped by a Verizon Wireless store today and picked up the PC 5740 card, which gets me broadband access (around 700-800k speeds, if they’re to be believed) in 170+ metropolitan markets. Steve strongly recommended Verizon’s service over competing services from Cingular, Sprint, and T-Mobile; if you’re interested in doing your own homework, last week’s NY Times did a pretty good overview of how they stack up.

So far, so good. I’ll be on Amtrak for a few hours on Thursday, and I have a few trips coming up in June so I’ll have a chance to test it in hotels and report back.

One response to “Verizon Broadband Wireless card”

  1. I used Verizon's wireless broadband (first as a USB connection to my phone, then the card) for a couple of years and absolutely loved it. Of course, the first few months the novelty seemed to overshadow the efficiency of working anywhere, anytime. I slipped away from work a few times with laptop in hand and while the family drove across the backwoods of Texas, I kept in constant communication via email, instant messenger, etc with work… and nobody had a clue I wasn't in the office. True virtual reality.

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