Now back to our regularly scheduled programming

Wow, time sure flies with a newborn in the house and the busiest period yet at work. I’ll probably get back to normal by next week, there’s a ton going on I want to throw in my $.02. In the meantime, a few quick comments:

  • The baby and her Mom are both doing great. Having a newborn in the house (especially one who actually sleeps a bit at night) is a real joy. And her brothers adore her.
  • Got a Netflix subscription for my birthday. I first used Netflix in 2000 when living in California, it’s stunning how improved it is. If any of you are using it, feel free to add me to your friends list, that seems to be a good way to compare notes on good movies.

  • I’m loving, absolutely loving, my new camera. Got the telephoto lens adapter for it, so now I have a 5.1 megapixel camera that has 18x optical zoom (that’s a 648mm equivalent lens for you 35mm SLR fans), takes video, includes an image stabilizer and takes beautiful pictures. I’ve uploaded a handful to my flickr account, feel free to check them out.

And a big, big thank you to all of you who sent such kind words after Rebecca’s birth. It’s so fun to hear from such a wide array of people, and I’m fortunate to have met many of you over the years I’ve been blogging. This blog has taken quite a few turns – from business and law, to tech, to politics, to personal stuff, back to tech — and miraculously, a fair number of you stick around. Thanks — it means a lot.

One response to “Now back to our regularly scheduled programming”

  1. It's been a while since I checked out your blog, so a belated congrats to Rebecca for joining our world. I'm glad everyone is healthy and happy — but I'm a bit concerned over a baby that actually sleeps in the night 🙂

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