Thumbs up

Well, it was bound to happen.

After a couple months off on the basement project, I got back into it last weekend. The basement is split into two sections — the main “entertainment” space that includes the TV area, card table area, and bar; and the hallway, bookshelves and office. I got all the ceiling tiles up in the main area by Friday, and installed the beadboard on the soffets in the main area as well (about 35 feet long, 4 feet wide). I was working on the soffet around the main drain pipe in the house when I needed to “rip” a plank of beadboard, so up to the table saw I went (it’s in the garage).

About 2” away from completing the cut, my hand slipped, and… off went a small piece of my thumb. Fortunately it’s OK — I’m remarkably lucky. I took off some skin, caught just a bit of the thumbnail — but nothing more than that. Some bandaging to keep the wound safe, and that’s it. (I’m typing with both hands, if that’s any indication of how “OK” it is…)

Needless to say I feel a bit dumb for the mistake, but incredibly lucky that it wasn’t much, much worse.

So after making a lot of progress the past week, I’ve got a few days of forced time off… Here’s hoping I can pick back up before Christmas — I’m really hoping to have the majority of the work done before New Year’s.

3 responses to “Thumbs up”

  1. Ouch! No joke about how lucky you are. Several years back my father-in-law took off three fingers with his table saw. The happy ending was they're all sewed back on and working. A bit stiff, but the recovery was long and painful. Be careful not to leave any digits down there in your basement… but put 'em on ice if you do :-/

  2. Glad to hear it wasn't serious. Capt. Anonymous knows better than to have anything as powerful as a table saw in his bag of tools.

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