Legal social networking

My column ran last month and focused on the social networking craze and how it might take effect in the legal vertical. When I wrote the article I was still at Interface Software, the leading CRM company in the professional services space. Consequently, I was hesitant to overplay the CRM vs. social networking angle, preferring to leave the connection inferred rather than explicit — I hate being in the position of being seen as shilling for an employer.

Well, I’m not at Interface Software any more — and if I had to write that column over, I’d probably just want to lift most of this article from Line56, which focuses on how a DC law firm (Miller and Chevalier) used InterAction to uncover some pretty phenomenal revenue opportunities.

As is likely obvious from my column, I’m a big LinkedIn fan. But I still think it’s examples like the one from the Line56 article that demonstrate how InterAction has the upper hand if you’re trying to connect the dots from social networking to revenues.

(At least now I can say it without being accused of being biased, right?!)

3 responses to “Legal social networking”

  1. Social Networking SoftwareThe Sugarcrest Report: has the good judgment to include a reprint of Rick Klau's Law Practice article on social networking software like Friendster, Spoke, LinkedIn, Ryze and others. Rick notes:I’ve sent LinkedIn invitations to nearly 70 people. As of …

  2. Social Networking SoftwareThe Sugarcrest Report has the good judgment to include a reprint of Rick Klau's Law Practice article on social networking software like Friendster, Spoke, LinkedIn, Ryze and others. Rick notes:I’ve sent LinkedIn invitations to nearly 70 people. As of t…

  3. Social Networking SoftwareThe Sugarcrest Report has the good judgment to include a reprint of Rick Klau's Law Practice article on social networking software like Friendster, Spoke, LinkedIn, Ryze and others. Rick notes:I’ve sent LinkedIn invitations to nearly 70 people. As of t…

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