How Kerry came back

I found this article at the Philadelphia Inquirer an interesting analysis of how Kerry’s Iowa-or-bust strategy came to be interesting. I was at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner in Des Moines that is referenced in the article, and though I took some flak (putting it mildly) from some in the Kerry camp for understating Kerry’s numbers, I was amazed at the remarkable organization of the supporters and the coordination of Kerry’s speech with some key applause lines. (Seems that the Inquirer’s version of events — that it was the speech itself that resonated — differs a bit with what I recalled at the time, but that’s a minor detail.)

Other than the impressive showing by the Dean organization at the JJ Dinner, I felt then that the other story to the night was Kerry’s organization. For a campaign that was supposedly on the ropes, they came to win. It showed, and it was clearly indicative of what they would build to a dramatic victory in January.


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