Pilots for Dean

Check out Timothy Sipples’ new DeanSpace site, Pilots for Dean. It’s a clearinghouse for pilots who want to offer seats on their planes to go to campaign-related events. Very, very good idea. (And I’m just a bit giddy at the prospect that Timothy is in Wheeling, Illinois, less than an hour away from DuPage County! Looks like we might be able to hitch a ride or two to Iowa in the upcoming months.)

2 responses to “Pilots for Dean”

  1. Hi Rick!Steve B introduced us at a rally this summer.I'm so glad you're promoting a DeanSpace site! Tim did an especially good job with Pilots for Dean.~AlisonDeanSpace Deployment Coordinator

  2. Rick:Thanks for the props! (Pun intended. :-)) Pilots for Dean ( http://www.pilotsfordean.com ) is really a fun place, and that's the whole secret I think. Yes, I'm looking forward to some trips to Iowa, especially those hard-to-reach places.By the way, the Associated Press just had an excellent wire story on how other campaigns (Democratic and Republican) take advantage of corporate jets (and how corporations get lobbying time on board those private planes). I have the story at the web site now. Very interesting reading, and it contrasts sharply with the Dean campaign's approach.Cheers.

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