Get a MoveOn

Zephyr Teachout, who easily has the best name of anyone affiliated with the Dean campaign, posted over at the “unofficial” Dean blog the other day about joining MoveOn and voting in their poll. MoveOn is considering endorsing a Democratic candidate in the race. An endorsement by MoveOn would be a phenomenal boost to the already strong grassroots support enjoyed by the Dean campaign. Consider: MoveOn has more than 2 million members and is a remarkable organization focused on grassroots activism and fundraising.

If you’re not familiar with MoveOn, you should check them out. I joined just a few weeks ago, and have already had a terrific experience with them. Within a week of joining, MoveOn started the “Great MoveOn Interview”, which sought to pair two MoveOn members with each other so they could discuss their political involvement, why they got involved, and what they were trying to accomplish.

I was really impressed by the process: I ended up speaking with Beth, a PR consultant in NYC. We shared our reasons for being unhappy with the Bush administration, what we were doing to change it, and how else we could get involved. When she heard I was involved in the Dean campaign, she wanted to know more, and ended up taking information I gave her and sent it to several friends. (Hard as it is to believe, there are people out there who still don’t know that much about the Democratic candidates.)

As I’ve become more involved in the Dean campaign, I’ve found that just talking with others about why and how I’m involved is enough to make others feel more optimistic that they can make a difference. This is the heart of what it means to be involved in a grassroots movement. Governor Dean’s campaign is built on it; MoveOn’s official endorsement would go a long way to solidifying that foundation and reinforcing MoveOn’s own ideals. What are you waiting for? Join today and help take our country back!

7 responses to “Get a MoveOn”

  1. I had a similer experience with the Moveon interview. My Moveon partner was supporting “the guy from Vermont” I told him more about Howard Dean and we both agree now that Howard Dean is the best canidate. Moveon members should not have a problem with switching to Dean (if they support one of the other canidates) once they check out and look at Where he stands on the issues that are important to us all.

  2. Rick, great job on the blog. While my name my not be as great as Zephyr's, I do hope that I come in a close second among DFA staffers!!

  3. I just got off the phone with Zephyr (and yes, I also told her, before seening Rick's comment today, that she indeed has the coolest name in the blogoshpere). I had emailed several people in VT about this. As you know (if you've been there and signed up…) there are like 1100 questions you could vote for, and it's VERY hard to navigate through them. I told her/them: Pick five, people, and email us their specific names. We'll do the rest. Just like the Post/DLC, just like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal poll. She said she would and I will email her/their reply to Rick for posting here.

  4. Great post, Rick! I've been a MoveOn member since they took the initiative to combat the FCC's changing the rules of media ownership. They are activists who walk the walk. Indeed, an endorsement for Dean from this organization would be a huge boost to the campaign. I'll put something up on my blog too, but not tonight (it's 12:30am here and I'm beat!) Look for it sometime tomorrow night 🙂

  5. I had an idea: What if all Dean supporters who get a “Bush tax-cut” check to “stimulate the economy” donate it to the Dean campaign? I can't think of a better way to help the economy and the nation. Does anyone know when those checks are going to be sent?

  6. I tried to become a Move on member but somehow I think I failed in the process. It's not that easy. Is there a way to know if you succeeded and you can be part of the vote for endorsement?

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