Dave Winer writes:
2. Blogging and the New Hampshire primary. Citizen bloggers covering the candidates for US president, follow it where it goes. First step — clearly — go to NH myself and find some candidates. Luckily I’m speaking at Dartmouth on May 9. I’ll go looking for presidential hopefuls. With my camera and some questions. I’ll try to explain weblogs. And here’s another way to proceed. Are there any people in NH reading this site who think weblogs could make a difference? We need a citizen’s committee for evangelizing the concept. Everyone who hears it goes Hmm, that might work. [Scripting News]
Dave – no need to explain blogs to Howard Dean, one of the candidates for President& ;- he’s already got one. (And yes, they’ve got an RSS feed.) The blogroll at the “official blog” also links to more than a dozen blogs (including mine) that are focused on the campaign.& ;They also are smart-mobbing, using a service called Upoc to delivery SMS text messages to supporters several times a week. And they’re the most popular group on Meetup, with nearly 18,000 Americans signed up. Bottom line – the Internet has already changed Presidential politics, with Governor Dean leading the pack.
And that’s just the beginning. 🙂