Lawyers and who else?

A Look Back, A Look Ahead. Last year today, I was doing research for what would become an article on legal blogging. Ernie’s page was just a few days old. There were some other sites I hadn’t found yet, but not too many. When all was said and done and the article went to print, I had added six or so weblogs written by legal professionals to my blogroll and dubbed them “blawgs.” [Bag and Baggage]

Lots of retrospection going on, thanks to Ernie’s one year anniversary, the ABA story about blawgs, etc. I agree it’s been a fun year, but for me the more interesting angle to this is where are the other professional bloggers? How about investment bankers? Accountants? Consultants?

There are more than 200 lawyers and associated law-types (paralegals, law librarians). That’s a non-trivial number.

But where are the other professions? I’d be happy to be wrong, by the way. Tell me if there are pockets of these professionals out there.

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