
OK, OK. I’m waaaaay overdue on a post about Sabrina Pacifici’s new blog, beSpacific. Sabrina graciously dropped me an e-mail about it on its launch, and I came up for air long enough to check it out and walk away impressed.

Then it got buried with weeks of e-mails waiting for reponses… until I saw Sabrina today at LegalTech in NYC. Let me strongly recommend dropping by Sabrina’s site – it has a ton of content (over 1000 posts so far) and is very well-designed. Sabrina, who by day is a law librarian par excellence, excels at providing links to source material and far more depth of info than you’ll find at other sites.

Bonus – she has an XML feed (RSS and RDF).

Now Sabrina – let me turn the guilt table around for a sec. What’s up with the links to Ernie, Denise, Jenny, Jerry – but not me? Sheesh.


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