From Blunt Force Trauma comes this great post about KM:
Share More, Get More
Knowledge isn’t like money, when you give it away you don’t have less. Ron Lusk points us to a wiki page on knowledge sharing started by Denham Grey. Denham is out there, often on the way, far, celestial event horizon of knowledge management, but he comes up with some excellent stuff. This page is a great resource with case studies, strategy papers, essays and fruitful links on every aspect of knowledge sharing.KnowledgeSharing. Wanted to bring this page (last updated a few days ago) back to mind for all of us.
Asking WIIIFM before you share defeats the objective, you are starting off on the wrong foot. In the same vein, asking you to enter a password protected space with the aim of sharing should send up the warning signals. If your CEO comes back from a KM conference and sets up Lotus Notes with complex access privileges you should question if they have really got the message. Is giving in the knowledge economy just being naive? How about the groupware vendor that sells tools, but sponsors no work on understanding collaboration, group processes or conducts no ethnographic research? Do you believe they have collaboration at heart or are they just selling more software? [Ron Lusk’s Radio Weblog]