This is more than a bit goofy, and not nearly as voyeuristic as the “Am I hot or not“ site. But the same people who brought you the hot or not site bring you Blog: Hot or Not? I don’t really care about the rating I get (well, just a bit), but I was pleasantly surprised at the number of good sites I found that I didn’t know about. So if you want to get in the game, feel free to start with your friend tins by clicking here. Every time you rate a blog, you get to see another one.
Services like this are other ways of finding sites of interest. Recently we’ve seen Joe Jennett’s randomizer, KM Pings, and TrackBack. What Blog Hot or Not lacks in sophistication (I’d like to be able to look just at sites with keywords that match my interests) it makes up for in volume – this site received dozens of visitors in the first afternoon of availability. What will be interesting to see is if any of the folks who swing by decide to come back for more or if they just pass right along…