TiVo Isn’t Going to Kill Advertising

Study: PVRs Not Necessarily the Death of TV Advertising: Ad Age, the leading advertising industry magazine, brings word of a recent marketing study that finds that PVRs aren’t as bad for television advertising as some (cough* Kellner*cough) would have you believe. [LawMeme: Legal Bricolage for a Technological Age]

My own experience with TiVo mirrors many of the findings in this article. Not only is the summary of the Ad Age article useful, but the collection of related links is the most comprehensive on the subject I’ve seen. The law students at Yale are doing an excellent job. (If I could find my buddy Ben Kerschberg, a Yale law alum, I’d congratulate him.) LawMeme is an outstanding site. Almost makes me want to go to law school again. Almost.

My only comments in addition to this are that the evidence that TiVo can complement existing revenue streams for broadcasters is growing. Check out this post from March where I detailed two efforts by TiVo to develop new ways to capitalize on the shift in viewing habits of their users. The results were quite impressive – and I think this is the direction sponsored television will go.

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