It’s Happening After All: Snow and 20 Partners to Leave Brobeck to Join Clifford Chance

The British Are Coming!. London-based Clifford Chance is swooping into San Francisco in style and scandal. The firm’s partners completed a vote Wednesday agreeing to extend offers to former Brobeck chairman Tower Snow Jr. and 21 Brobeck partners. Legal consultant Peter Zeughauser, who represented Clifford Chance on the deal, said the move is a clear signal to the Lathams and the Skaddens that “the table has been reset .” []

Interesting that Zeughauser points at Latham and Skadden – as if he’s daring them to react. Clifford Chance has over 3,600 lawyers worldwide – which makes them nearly twice as large as the largest American law firm. I predict that two 1,000+ lawyer firms in the U.S. will merge within the year to create a competitor to Clifford Chance.

The press release announcing the deal is at Clifford Chance’s web site here.

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