KM Must be Tied to a Coherent Business Model

Business 2.0 reports on concrete examples in the corporate world where KM is working. The author cites a number of examples of companies (Wal-Mart, G.E., Buckman Labs, and others) that use targeted KM efforts to further the business model. One quote:

See the pattern? A clear business model — “business model” meaning “how we make money.” A strategy to implement that model. And knowledge management supporting it as tightly as a Mafia lawyer.

Speaking of Buckman Labs, look what a Google search turned up: Buckman’s website devoted to KM titled “Knowledge Nurture“ – which includes a wealth of articles about Buckman’s KM efforts (like this case study in DestinationCRM). Why don’t articles like Business 2.0’s link to stuff like this? In a lot of ways, it’s far better than the article itself. Oh wait – maybe that’s why.

And speaking of mafia lawyers, am I the only one that thinks that Tom Hagen is still the best model for what a lawyer should be? (As it turns out, I’m not: see this article by my buddy Nat Slavin at Corporate Legal Times from last year about this very issue.)

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