Jenny (TheShiftedLibrarian) finds a gem, allowing you to get the Google News feeds directly into your news aggregator (if you don’t know what one is, read the “about this site“ page and read about RSS to get more info). Very cool.
Serendipity! Multiple Google News Feeds from The Loebrichs:
“My aggregator brought in an interesting story from The Shifted Librarian mentioning that Ken Rawlings had made a Google News Feed based on Bryce Yehl’s wishlist. I thought to myself, great, I can stop using the stopgap feed I made using Mark Paschal’s Stapler on March 16th. Unfortunately, the titles only format, while short, missed out on one of my favorite features of Google News, multiple sources with different points of view. This did spur me to both try out RSSDistiller and break my feed into seven feeds so each Google category can have its own.
Google Business News
Google Entertainment News
Google Headline News
Google Sports News
Google Technology News
Google US News
Google World NewsNow I don’t need to manually delete all the business and sports stories when I aggregate.”
This is even better because you get a lot of Google headlines in your aggregator, and this lets me narrowcast them even further based on my individual preferences! Thanks, Bruce!
[The Shifted Librarian]